I'm 23, born & raised in Springfield, MO and is an aspiring:
• Author
• Singer
• Actress
• Dancer
• Nurse
• Teacher
• Friend
I have a lot of things I'd like to do, but no actual drive to do them.
I am currently in the [slow] process of writing four books...I am really focusing on two of them, but they're all close to my heart. I would love to give names, but most of them there isn't another book named the same out there & I'd like to keep it that way.
One of the books I'm writing with the other host of this blog, Amanda. We really believe in the book but our minds are always so jumbled that we never are able to sit and focus on it. In time....in time.
I currently live in Springfield, MO with my mom doing the whole "stay at home mom" thing...the only problem I don't have kids....well not my own kids anyways. Yeah, I'm the one who does the cooking, cleaning, laundry, school work...etc. Blah. Not fun.
Hmm, I'm trying to think of something interesting about me, but there's just nothing!
Please follow my other blog I run by myself, click here!
You can find me on:
• Goodreads
(If you follow me on twitter, be sure to @ me. I love meeting new people. Some of the coolest people I've ever met are bloggers I've met through twitter!)
♥ Shanise ^_^"