
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday Thirteen (001)

Thursday Thirteen was started right here at Bury the Castle between the über creative minds of Amanda and Shanise.
Every Thursday we'll come up with a topic and you list thirteen (13) things that fit in the topic. We'll try to change it up every week.
This week's topic is:

Places You'd Like to Visit:

Amanda's list:
  1. London, England
  2. Dead Sea
  3. Paris, France
  4. Iceland
  5. Amsterdam
  6. Niagra Falls
Amanda's full list, here.

Shanise's list:
  1. Rome, Italy
  2. Athens. Greece
  3. Los Angeles, California
  4. Houston, Texas
  5. New York, New York
  6. Miami, Florida
Shanise's full list, here.

Our top common place:
  1. Canada

So, where would you like to visit? Leave us a comment & let us know!!

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